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Let's face it - social media took the world by storm. And while it initially captured most of consumers, it also paved the way for the businesses to take part in the action too. And that is exactly what is happening on Instagram right now.

As of April, this year, Instagram launched a completely new feature to the platform - the Instagram business profiles. And just like Facebook there will be a lot of advantages for businesses who embrace it sooner than later.

So, What Are the New Instagram Business Profile Features Like?

Basically, the Instagram algorithm for businesses is mimicking the Facebook for Business idea of advertising to a local audience and getting the best bang for your buck. You can reach your target audience and get exposure for your business for even a small ad spend.

However, a lot of people would agree that the new Instagram algorithm for business is even more personal than the Facebook algorithm that is already used by businesses worldwide. The difference is basically in the personal versus the public use.

In short, the new Instagram update filters the advertised content according to two factors - engagement and interest. That way, when a user that you follow engages with the advertised content (likes it or follows it) - you automatically see that content higher in your feed.

What Does This Mean for Marketers?

The best way to answer this question is simple. This new Instagram algorithm for businesses is like music to the ears of every marketer. More so, marketers see this content positioning as extremely helpful when promoting on Instagram.

So… What’s so great about it?

Well, before this update, business profiles were hard to find on Instagram. The only way followers could engage with them was to click their website link in their profile. However, the all new Instagram for Business comes with contact buttons that directly lead to the business' email or phone - as well as its location on map.

Whether you’re a seasoned Instagram pro or have never used Instagram before – This platform is here to stay and they’ve just made it even easier to promote your business.  

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Here’s 5 Tricks to Maximize Your Success When Using Instagram For Business

  • Upgrade A Personal Instagram Profile to A Business Profile - First and foremost is to upgrade to a business profile on Instagram. You can do that by linking your Instagram account to your Facebook business page. Yup that’s it!  Instagram will see the designation and connect it accordingly.
  • Ditch the Stories at Start–Some businesses do very well with “Stories” on Snapchat and Facebook.  But for now, Instagram doesn’t support stories - Instead, try out some of the other great tools and features.
  • Make Use of the CTA/Contact Button - Direct communication is one of the best features of Instagram for Business. When you set up the Contact button, you can choose how people will reach you - whether it's email, phone or both.
  • Post on A Regular Basis, But Don't Over-post – Sometimes people can get too much of a good thing, right?  And it’s certainly true in this case.  Over-posting can have a counter-effect and followers will be more likely to skip your posts. That is why 3 great posts a week can out-perform 30 of them.
  • Track the Analytics - Another great part of the all new Instagram for businesses algorithm are the analytics. Only business profiles have access to this feature which definitely makes it an exclusive perk. In order to open it, tap or click the little bar graph icon on your profile and you will see several metrics - one of which is the 'Insights' option. There, you can analyze and see how many people see your posts and how many of them viewed your business profile.

A Final Word

It certainly goes without saying that Instagram’s latest update is an exciting new option to promote your business with.

But the bottom line is that no matter how many updates and new features social media platforms rollout on us, what really matters is the content that you choose to share and the people engaging with it. So, I say give it a shot.  There has never been a better time to promote your business on this immensely popular platform.  Instagram profiles for business is nothing short of a bulls-eye for small business.

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