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It’s easy to share images of entrées you serve in your restaurant. And

who is really going to complain about your new fall fashion line for your boutique clothing store?

And if your business sells items like handmade crafts, you have definitely got an “in” on Instagram. But, does this mean that every business should consider using Instagram as part of their marketing strategy?

It IS possible for just about any business to use Instagram. But, some

businesses may need to be more strategic than others in their approach.

For instance, you don’t want to post images of actuarial tables when you sell insurance.  Yes, it’s an integral part of the insurance business, but it’s not going to inspire many people to share your content…

.. And may end up with unfollows if you this approach.

If your business doesn’t translate well on Instagram, you may have to

think of alternative methods to get your message out. For example, that same insurance agency could use images of disaster aftermaths and their company disaster relief team helping the people who were affected.

Then ask your followers to comment about their own experiences & encourage them to share their own images. 

This is just one example of the many ways you can engage with your audience through Instagram, even if you don’t think you have post worthy content to share.

The more you get your followers involved, the easier it will be to get people to share. Also, the higher the influence of the people sharing, the greater the reach.

This is not to say you should just simply focus on influencers, but, they can definitely expedite the growth of your following.

Instagram is a new medium for small businesses but that is changing, and there hasn’t been a better time to “get in” when it’s good.

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Do a little competitor research and find other insurance companies on Instagram (or whatever your business happens to be) and pay attention to the type of engagement that is happening.  If It works for them, there is a good chance something similar can work for you.

Another option is to consider partnering with other businesses that are complimentary to yours. Connect with these businesses and brainstorm some mutually beneficial promotional ideas. 

One idea is to offer special discounts for your partner’s business through your Instagram and your partner does the same for you.  Keep in mind REFERRAL business is the BEST business. And both businesses benefit by tapping into a fresh customer base. 

It’s important to not lose sight of the fact that Instagram is a social platform. Be less willing to sell and more willing to reach out and help others. Be involved in a meaningful way.

Find ways to give valuable content that makes it easy for followers to share it and you might find Instagram to be a great platform for your business… No matter what business that happens to be.

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