Did you know that a soup bowl (or any nice looking container together with a smart strategy) can increase your profit by 25%?

The Soup Bowl Strategy works wonders for any business wishing to generate repeat business from new customers. Don’t get stuck on the name! It got its name because it works so beautifully for restaurants. However, this powerful strategy is applicable to any business that want’s new customers to come back. And you do not need to raid the kitchen for a soup bowl – any presentable receptacle will do just fine. If you want to increase your profit, quickly – this may be the easiest way you’ll ever see to achieve that. You work hard and may even pay good money to bring people to your business.

Best practice makes sure that those new customers return. For every one or group that returns, you have cut your cost of advertising & growing your business in half. If you give them a super experience, and they come back more than a second time, your advertising costs reduce even further.

This is how the best build their business, stretch their marketing budget & achieve an outstanding return on their ad spend.It is also how to beat the pants off your competitors. And how you can boost your profits, all at the same time. And all this Easy Biz Guide requires is a nice container and a very smart strategy. It’s surprisingly cost effective! The best strategies are those that are almost seamless and take very little ongoing effort. Of course they are the ones that produce outstanding results too. The Soup Bowl Strategy ticks all the boxes and encourages first time customers to come back again, with a sense of urgency. It also enables you to continue promoting almost free.

Here’s exactly how it works:

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