Zoom literally took off like a rocket when COVID-19 hit.
Businesses everywhere knew they had to keep communications flowing between people, between management and staff, between sales teams and customers, between purchasing and suppliers and also between team members.
In short, Zoom replaced meetings.
Then, with a little insight, the value of Zoom became clearly apparent to smart users:
- People could set up meetings instantly - or schedule them for later
- No-one needed to leave their desk (or even be at their desk) - travelling time and cost was saved immediately cutting overheads and eliminating a lot of waste
- Presentations could be made globally where this was previously impossible (without a huge time and cost implication)
- Intellectual Property could be disseminated by way of Webinar and even offered for a fee, opening a whole new source of revenue
- And it didn't even have to be live so presenters did not need to be on camera - pre-recorded videos could be streamed with ease
- to mention just a few of the advantages businesses immediately gained.
But there was also a challenge - Users needed to get upskilled quickly.
Whilst the basics are fairly intuitive, gaining the mazimum advantage from using Zoom was not very well explored.... simply because it was too hard.
This Easy Biz Guide closes that gap for you, quickly and efficiently.
NOTE: Please download the Keyboard Shortcuts (Windows or MacOS), Mind Map, CheatSheet and Training Guide which you'll find in Resources at the end of the 11 videos.